Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Save the time of the user OR How to email efficiently

We all get tons of email, so I've compiled a few ideas to help us be more efficient.

1. Before you send an email to a group, be sure that it applies to the whole group. If it does not, only email the persons to whom it is applicable.

2. Rarely “reply all.” Instead, reply only to the original recipient or to the person to whom it is applicable.

3. At the risk of being redundant, rarely “reply all.” As Ranganathan says, “Save the time of the user!”

4. Make sure that your subject line matches the email’s content. One subject per email is best.

5. When replying to someone, be sure your reply matches their subject line. If you’re changing the subject, change the subject line.

6. If you have more than one point to make, enumerate for easier reading.

7. Use short paragraphs.

8. Read over your email before you hit send. How’s the tone? Do you have errors? Is your meaning clear?

9.  Bcc yourself if you need a copy.  Keep your inbox cleaned out so it can serve as a "to do" list.

10. If email takes over your day, close it while you're working on other projects and only open it at the beginning of the day, before lunch, and before you leave for the evening.