Saturday, April 21, 2012

TASL thanks

Many thanks to Texas Association of School Librarians (TASL) for naming ShelfConsumed as the best professional blog during the Texas Library Association (TLA) conference last week!  TASL is awesome!


  1. Melanie RumseyApril 21, 2012

    Woohoo!!! Congratulations! It's a well deserved award for you and your inspiring, informative, and thought provoking blog. Keep up the good work!

  2. Thank you so much, Melanie! I appreciate you.

  3. Congratulations, Leigh Ann. It is essential to our personal learning networks to have enlightened voices from the field. Thank you for contributing yours.

  4. Congratulations Leigh Ann! I always enjoy keeping up with you via blogland.

  5. That's great news! I have the new blog address updated and I look forward to continuing to read all your great library posts.

  6. That's great news! I have your new blog address updated, and I look forward to continuing to read all your great library posts. :-)

  7. Congratulations, Leigh Ann. You're doing such great work and I'm so proud of you!

  8. Thanks to all of you for your kind words! You're amazing!

  9. Congratulations, Leigh Ann!

  10. That's awesome!!! Congrats to you:). I was just wondering how you were enjoying your summer and look what I found. Have you read any good books this summer for librarians to enjoy?!

  11. How awesome! I was just checking in to what what great new books you have read for librarians this summer...and look what great news I found! Keep up the great work!
