Friday, December 3, 2010

'Tis the season for a kinder, gentler library

Altered book tree courtesy Wakeland HS, FISD
'Tis the season for good will to all men (and students and staff).  So while you're full of eggnog and good cheer, I hope you'll take a few moments to perform a kindness audit for your library (briefly mentioned in a previous post--see tags).

Walk around your library and look at it with fresh eyes.  Pretend you're a kiddo or a teacher seeing it for the first time.  Better yet, ask a student or staff member to give you feedback.

Do you have a kinder, gentler library?

*When you step in the door, does someone smile and call you by name? 

*Does the library LOOK like a place you'd want to be?

*Are you bombarded by the negative or surrounded by the positive? 

Negatives:  NO food.  NO drinks.  The library is CLOSED today for a meeting.  You have an OVERDUE book. 

Positives:  Help us keep the library looking great--please finish food and drinks before entering.  We hope to see you again tomorrow--meeting in progress.  Your book is due when you've read it through.

*Is the library easy to use or intimidating?  (We get what an OPAC is, but do the kids?  We get Dewey, but honestly, they really don't have to--they just want a book! What do you mean I can't use Wikipedia?)

*Is the library a place where it's ok to make mistakes?  (Or does the self checkout system beep overly loud or whistle at you if you do it wrong?  I like the ones that a mistake gets a recording of the librarian's voice nicely saying, "Oops.  Please ask for help.")

*Are all legitimate requests listened to and fulfilled if possible?

*Are students inadvertently patronized (Calling them baby, honey, sweetheart; talking in a different tone of voice to kids than adults) OR is everyone treated with respect?

*Are ALL kids welcome in the library?  (Not just the ones who are easy to welcome?)

The list could go on, so I hope you'll weigh in with your own suggestions for a kindness audit.  Other ideas?

In the meantime, refill your wassail cup and toast to a happy holiday and a kinder, gentler library where good will to all is evident each day.


1 comment:

  1. Just yesterday I visited a high school library and the first thing I noticed were all the "NO' signs. The space was well lit, the layout was nice, the books were nicely arranged but there were signs everywhere. UGH!
